Peter Jablonski to Speak on Thursday, 9/14/2023

Join us for a very special program on Thursday, Sept. 14, at 7:00 p.m.  Peter Jablonski, of Buffalo, will present “Time Capsule in Your Backyard”, held at the Museum, 120 High St.

It is a very intriguing program on treasures of the past excavated from outhouse, or privy, pits in the western NY area, including bottles, pottery, china and more. Privies, lined with stone, brick or wood, can range from a few feet to over 20′ deep. Peter will tell us how to locate a privy, why garbage was thrown in them, how to date the bottles found in them and more.

Peter is the President of the Greater Buffalo Bottle Collectors Assoc.

There will be a display of artifacts unearthed in privy pits over the years.  Hope to see you there!   All are welcome.

For info: 315-331-6409.