An Easy Way To Support N-AHS

We do not like to bother you with pleas for support.  Most of you are members of N-AHS, who support us in various ways as an ongoing commitment to the organization.  We appreciate that sentiment.

We have our BBQ Fundraiser on Sept 27th and we will again be selling collectible calendars at the end of the year.  We hope you will support these offerings.  But there is an ongoing way for you to support us.  If you are an Amazon shopper, just buy your products using Amazon Smile.

Once you register for Amazon Smile, we will receive a charitable gift from Amazon based on your purchases.  The only change for you is that you will need to access instead of when you shop.  That’s it.  The link is below, and is also posted on the Contact/Join/Support page.  Register today.

Events at N-AHS

Our outdoor lecture on Aug. 20th proved that you can enjoy life and stay safe at the same time.  we have more events planned in the coming weeks.

The night was a beauty, and almost 50 people spread out to enjoy a trip down memory lane, punctuated by John’s interesting and humorous anecdotes.  We hope to present some video for those of you who were not able to attend.


We are holding our annual BBQ fundraiser on Sept. 27th from 11 to 1:00.  Tickets at Newark Wegmans and the museum.



Join us at 11:00 on Thursday, Oct. 1st for a special presentation from our friend and past lecturer, Michael Keene.  Register for this event at


Fox Sisters Home, Hydesville NY


Tracy Murphy, curator at the Hydesville Memorial Park will present “The Lives of Maggie & Kate Fox” at our Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, October 8th, 7:00 at  the Community Center.


On March 31st, 1848, 2 young girls by the name of Maggie and Kate Fox communicated with a spirit of a murdered peddler. They went on to become famous mediums, traveling the world.  Join us to hear this fascinating story.


John Zornow To Speak Aug. 20th in Newark

Newark’s T. Spencer Knight Canal Park will be the site for John Zornow’s presentation, “Gone But Not Forgotten”, with slides and narration about Newark’s history.  The date is Thursday, Aug. 20th at 7:30.  Rain date will be the following week (Thurs. 8/27).

The program is sponsored by the Newark-Arcadia Historical Society. Please bring your own chairs. We ask that unrelated groups or individuals guard their neighbor’s health by not sitting too close. The event is free of charge and open to all. Refreshments will be available.

Mr. Zornow is a frequent speaker at the Newark-Arcadia Museum. He is a past president, writes a weekly historical column for Times of Wayne County, and a Kodak retiree.

For information, please call the Museum at 315-331-6409.