“Hometown Grown: 200 Years of Agriculture” was the current exhibit from 6/2019 to 5/2021

A sometimes overlooked area of history is that of agriculture and its impact upon on the settlement and prosperity of our area. Arcadia and Newark have had other identities but agriculture has played a huge role in our history from the first early settlements through today. Fertile farm conditions and unlimited access to markets which was provided by the building of the Erie Canal and railroads helped propel a movement beyond early generalized farming to more specialized crops being cultivated. This was especially true in fruit farming. Fruit was to become one of the county’s most important agricultural products.
This exhibit was a reminder of these agricultural roots and the impact agriculture has had on our community. As happens when putting together any new exhibit, it was a chance for us to go through what we have in our collections and re-discover some great items and pieces of local history that we thought you would find interesting.
2018-2019’s major exhibit was “In Celebration of the Rose: the Jackson & Perkins Co. of Newark”.
History was captured through images of Rose Festival floats, rose queens and princesses, the Madison St test gardens and the famous Rose Gardens on South Main St – the largest in the world! Rounding out the exhibit were early items from the company’s history plus catalogs, signs and more.
The “World War I” was on display from 2017 – 2019. It included many local soldiers’ photos, a naval uniform, and more. The exhibit was extended a second year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day.
The third exhibit to slip into the past in 2019 was the “The Newark Diner”, a replica counter scene patterned after the E. Union St. diner car of the same name. It served customers from 1939 until 2013, when the Larkin Development Group purchased it, had it fully restored and relocated it to the Larkinville area of Buffalo. In October 2017 it opened as the Swan Street Diner.
The Newark-Arcadia Museum’s 20th Annual Open House took place on Friday, June 8 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 9 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
New Exhibit – In Celebration of the Rose: The Jackson & Perkins Co. of Newark.
The new exhibit was unveiled. It includes many photos of Rose Festival floats, rose queens & princesses and the famous rose gardens – largest in the world. Also included are catalogs, signs and much more.
Slide Show – Rose Queen and Rose Princess Contests – 5:00 p.m. Friday & 4:00 p.m. Saturday
Cynthia Russell, N-AHS President, presented a PowerPoint slide show on the Rose Queen & Princess Contests. The contest were held at various times from 1942 to 1971.
Walking Tour by Don Combes – 2:00 p.m. Saturday
A special walking tour highlighting the history and architecture of High St., South Main St., West Miller St. and Scott St was conducted by Donald Combes.
2017-18’s major exhibit was “A Stitch in Time” which was composed of a variety of dresses dating from 1860 to 1913.
We were fortunate to receive a donation of 12 vintage dresses from cousins Sara Revis and Margaret Stuart Beale.
The dresses belonged to Anna Reed Cronise (1847-1914), Sarah Reed Stuart (1850-1925) and Marguerite Stuart Revis (1887-1884).
Sarah and Anna were sisters. Marguerite was the daughter of Sarah.
Sarah married Newark jewelry store owner John E. Stuart. His original store sign was in the exhibit. Anna married Newark hardware merchant John S. Cronise. Marguerite’s daughter, Sara Revis, donated many of the dresses that were on display.
Some of the dresses included Marguerite’s NHS Class of 1904 graduation dress (accompanied by a photo of the class!), along with her wedding dress from 1913. There was also a white pique morning dress, a walking out costume made by dressmaker Miss Mary Howard of Rochester (1890s), a wedding night dress, a black beaded evening cape, and two Civil War era dresses.
Rounding out the exhibit were a collection of 14 lady’s hand fans, vintage jewelry and accessories.
Eleanor Stearns Playing Clara Barton
7 PM Wednesday Evening, May 16, 2018 at the Museum. Sponsored by the Colonel William Prescott Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Ms. Sterns provided glimpses of Clara Barton’s life, the Civil War era and her involvement in the American Red Cross.
2018 Annual Meeting

The 26th Annual Meeting of the members of N-AHS was held on Thursday, May 3rd at the American Legion. The program following the meeting was by living history performer Eleanor Stearns, presenting a portrayal of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Winter Lecture Series 2018
Mar 31 Author Susan P. Gateley presented “Saving the Beautiful Lake: An Ecological History of Lake Ontario,” exploring the natural and recent environmental history of Lake Ontario from 1860 to the present.
Mar 17 Commentary by Gretchen Duling, PhD, and Dennis Duling, PhD., authors of “A Final River to Cross: the Underground Railroad at Youngstown, NY.”
Mar 10 N-AHS Board Member and Newark Adult Services Librarian Graham Tedesco-Blair presented “The History of Libraries and the Newark Public Library.”
Mar 3 Michael Keene reviewed his book, “Vietnam Reflections: The Untold Story of the Holly Boys”.
Feb 24 President of the Wayne County NY Genealogical Society, BJ Meeks presented “Genealogy Mistakes To Avoid”.