The 21st Annual Lecture Series will be held on March 29, April 12 and April 26 at 1 PM. Please note that the first two will be
held at the Newark-Arcadia Museum, and the last one will be at the Newark Public Library’s Community Room. Programs are free of charge (donations gratefully accepted).

Pardee Smith Rd
March 29 – Cobblestone Masonry by Gene Bavis. Cobblestone structures are unique to our part of the country. 94% of all known structures are within 80 miles of Rochester. Wayne County has more than anyone else with 210. Gene is the Walworth Town Historian and a N-AHS member.
April 12 – Zurich Bog – A Treasure in Our Own Backyard by Jim Johnson.  Zurich Bog is a 490 acre sphagnum bog located in the Town of Arcadia. It was created in 1957 and declared a National Natural Landmark in 1973. Join us as Zurich Bog Caretaker Jim Johnson talks about rare orchids, carnivorous plants and much more, illustrated with slides. A tour will follow in several weeks.

April 26 – A Walk Up East Avenue by John Zornow. Newark’s mansions, and the never before told stories of the rich and famous will be discussed. East Avenue has long been regarded as one of the finest streets in Newark. Please note this program will be held at the library.
Please call 315-331-6409, or email for further information.